关于「 edu」的内容列表

Cathie Wood to launch artificial intelligence public education program in El Salvador

Ark Invest founder Cathie Wood will give an opening speech for El Salvador's newly launched "Center for Urban Welfare and Opportunity" (CUBO) artificial intelligence (AI) program. The program is a public education initiative led by the Salvadoran government. According to El Salvador's Bitcoin Office, the program will offer college-level AI courses for students and professionals, which...

2025-03-23 21:30:40
Slow Mist Cosine: The front end of Safe has been tampered with and forged to achieve the effect of deception. North Korean hackers have carried out similar operations many times

SlowMist founder Cosine posted on social media that there is no problem with the Safe contract, the problem is in the non-contract part, the front end is tampered with and forged to achieve the effect of deception. This is not an isolated case. North Korean hackers have succeeded in this method several times last year, such as the WazirX incident (stolen $230 million, Safe multi-signature), Radiant Capital incident (stolen $50 million, Safe multi-signature), DMM (stolen $305 million, Gonco multi...

2025-02-22 03:51:30
The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which 5 varieties such as spot gold have short opportunities.

The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which 5 varieties such as spot gold have short opportunities.

2025-02-21 05:06:15
Class A shares "chip brother" was suddenly reduced, the edible oil giant's revenue and net profit fell last year, and the market value of 100 billion yuan changed coaches... What are the announcements worth paying attention to after the market today?

Class A shares "chip brother" was suddenly reduced, the edible oil giant's revenue and net profit fell last year, and the market value of 100 billion yuan changed coaches... What are the announcements worth paying attention to after the market today?

2025-02-20 13:37:37
Gold bears have not seen any obvious action, bulls have gradually reduced their holdings, and funds are cautious; crude oil fluctuations continue to move down, pay attention to the long-short boundary within this day > >

Gold bears have not seen any obvious action, bulls have gradually reduced their holdings, and funds are cautious; crude oil fluctuations continue to move down, pay attention to the long-short boundary within this day > >

2025-02-20 07:18:56
2025 Action Plan for Stabilizing Foreign Investment: Expand Pilot Programs in Telecommunications, Healthcare, Education, and Other Fields

On February 19, the General Office of the State Council issued a notice on forwarding the "2025 Action Plan for Stabilizing Foreign Investment" of the Ministry of Commerce and the National Development and Reform Commission. The "Plan" proposes to expand the pilot opening up of telecommunications, medical care, education and other fields. Support the pilot areas to do a good job in value-added telecommunications, biotechnology, and wholly foreign-owned hospitals to publicize and implement the pil...

2025-02-19 09:07:05
China and Japan both reduced their holdings of U.S. debt in December

On February 19, US Treasury data showed that China's holdings of US Treasury bonds in December were 759 billion dollars, a decrease of 10 billion dollars from the previous month. Japan's holdings of US Treasury bonds in December were 1.06 trillion dollars, a decrease of 27 billion dollars from the previous month.

2025-02-18 21:06:16
The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which 7 varieties such as spot gold have long opportunities.

The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which 7 varieties such as spot gold have long opportunities.

2025-02-18 05:10:48
The growth enterprises market said that the afternoon decline expanded to 1%, with education, ChatGPT concept, and software services leading the decline.

The growth enterprises market said that the afternoon decline expanded to 1%, with education, ChatGPT concept, and software services leading the decline.

2025-02-18 05:46:56
Class A share reducer plate continued to weaken, giant wheel intelligent before the limit, Siling shares fell nearly 8%, Wuzhou Chinese New Year fell more than 7%, precision forging technology, Landai technology, KONE technology, Shanzi high-tech and other shares fell more than 5%.

Class A share reducer plate continued to weaken, giant wheel intelligent before the limit, Siling shares fell nearly 8%, Wuzhou Chinese New Year fell more than 7%, precision forging technology, Landai technology, KONE technology, Shanzi high-tech and other shares fell more than 5%.

2025-02-14 05:49:17
BscScan has suspended updates and is undergoing unplanned maintenance

According to the official announcement of BscScan, BscScan is undergoing unplanned maintenance of the web and API, and the block data is currently not updated. Users can check the maintenance status update through the following link: BscScan Status Update.

2025-02-14 03:05:30
zkLend: The hacker did not respond by the deadline and will announce the funds recovery and release plan next week

According to zkLend's official announcement, since the hackers did not get in touch with the project party before the deadline, the zkLend team has submitted an incident report to the Hong Kong police, FBI, and Department of Homeland Security and launched an investigation. Investigations have linked the hack to previous attacks on other DeFi protocols. The project has monitored the flow of funds and identified multiple relevant wallet addresses, and the relevant information has been submitted to...

2025-02-14 02:53:23
The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which WTI crude oil and other two varieties have short opportunities.

The technical aspects of the daily external futures varieties are summarized, among which WTI crude oil and other two varieties have short opportunities.

2025-02-13 05:16:07

7x24 快讯

08:17 2025-03-24
纳斯达克上市比特币矿企Argo任命前Arkon Energy高管Justin Nolan担任CEO
纳斯达克上市比特币矿企Argo Blockchain宣布任命前Arkon Energy高管Justin Nolan担任首席执行官,市场分析认为本次更换CEO或因Argo一直面临着严峻的经营环境有关,该公司此前为避免破产已出售位于德克萨斯州的Helios矿场。
08:11 2025-03-24
DWF Labs宣布推出规模为2.5亿美元的流动基金Liquid Fund
DWF Labs宣布推出规模为2.5亿美元的流动基金Liquid Fund,该基金将提供战略资本和生态系统支持,确保推动现实世界采用并有助于促进行业变革的中型和大型代币项目的可持续增长,据悉该基金对每个项目的投资规模从 1000 万美元到 5000 万美元不等。
07:53 2025-03-24
Berachain 推出“流动性证明”系统,启动治理阶段
基于 EVM 的 Layer 1 区块链 Berachain 将于今日推出其流动性证明(Proof-of-Liquidity,PoL)系统,标志着其链上治理第一阶段的正式启动。该 PoL 系统旨在分散 Berachain 治理代币 BGT 的供应,以实现链上治理。首批实施将在特定 DeFi 流动性池中进行,Berachain 开发者表示,他们计划在初始 DEX 池之外添加新的奖励金库。 Ber...
07:47 2025-03-24
据链上数据分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,本期币安新币挖矿NIL的USDC挖矿资金相较上一期增长了8.16亿枚,增幅41.4%。币安这期新币挖矿的USDC质押池累计奖励350万枚NIL(占总奖励池的10%),按照Bybit $NIL盘前价格0.8654美元估算,则每万枚USDC可挖到10.8美元等值的代币,年化约为13.2%。 作为融合了「AI+Depin+L1+隐私」几个大火概念的老牌项目,按照盘前价格估算的FDV有8.65亿美元,上线市值为1...
07:38 2025-03-24
美联储宣布放缓缩表后比特币自83000美元下方反弹逾5%,短暂突破87000美元。QCP Capital分析师指出交易者情绪正在转多,因为看涨期权变得更加昂贵,或者出现了比看跌期权更高的需求,这与本周早些时候的情况形成了对比。不过Amberdata衍生品总监Greg Magadini认为宏观不确定性仍存,期权偏度可能再度转向看跌。(注:所谓“偏度”,即期权市场的看跌/看涨期权波动率差值Skew)。
07:35 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,据Velo Protocol分析,2025年RWA板块表现强劲,年内增长237%,总市值翻倍至190亿美元,主要受私人信贷推动,持有者数量和活跃度均创历史新高。同时,稳定币总价值达到2250亿美元。截至2025年3月24日,市值前五的RWA包括: BlackRock的$BUIDL,约15亿美元(最大RWA)Hashnote的$USYC(2025年被Circle收购),约8亿美元Tether Gold的$XAUT,约7.5亿美元Franklin OnChain的$BENJI,约7亿美元Paxos Go...
07:13 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,Matrixport 发布今日图表,比特币正试图突破下行趋势,受益于美联储态度略显鸽派,以及特朗普暗示对关税采取更具针对性的策略。与过去几周相比,这些变化为市场提供了更具建设性的环境。 此外,随着季度末临近,套利基金的抛售压力正在缓解,因资金费率持续低迷,且大部分抛售已接近尾声。尽管当前催化因素尚不足以支撑比特币创下历史新高,但...
07:04 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,币安宣布将支持Celo (CELO) 网络升级及硬分叉。为此,平台将于北京时间2025年3月26日09:00起暂停Celo网络相关代币的充值和提现操作。此次网络升级及硬分叉预计将在北京时间2025年3月26日11:00于区块高度31,056,500进行。
06:52 2025-03-24
06:40 2025-03-24
币安将恢复ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约资金费率结算频率
3月24日消息,币安合约将于2025年03月24日16:00(东八区时间)恢复ORCAUSDT U本位永续合约资金费率结算频率。资金费率结算频率将由每二小时一次调整为每四小时一次。
06:28 2025-03-24
在当地即将举行选举之际,美国国家安全顾问和副总统夫人率领的代表团的访问 “极具侵略性”。点击查看...
在当地即将举行选举之际,美国国家安全顾问和副总统夫人率领的代表团的访问 “极具侵略性”。点击查看...
06:25 2025-03-24
据相关消息,OKX 总裁 Hong 确认将于 2025 年 4 月 6 日出席「2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华」主论坛,并发表主题演讲。 据悉,「2025 香港 Web3 嘉年华」由万向区块链实验室、HashKey Group 联合主办,W3ME 承办。活动将于 2025 年 4 月 6 日至 9 日 在香港会议展览中心举办,OKX Web3 是本次活动的冠名赞助商及独家 NFT 门票发行合作伙伴,通过 OKX Web3 钱包购买大会 NFT 门票,可享...